Does Your Dog Demand Your Attention or Go Crazy every time they hear a noise? We can help!
Can You Train A Dog Not To Bark?
Yes, but first, you must understand why dogs bark.
It is important to understand that dogs bark for a variety of reasons. Some barking is instinctual and part of your dog’s defense mechanisms, some barking is a result of over-stimulation or being overwhelmed, and some barking is related to a dog figuring out that barking is a great way to get their guardian’s attention.
Certain dog breeds may have more of a predisposition toward barking than others, but every dog is hard-wired to bark. In fact, some types of dogs were actually bred to be barkers. This may be so they could alert people about dangers, protect homes, or even scare prey out of hiding for hunters.
If you listen and observe closely, you can learn to distinguish what your dog's different barks mean, and understanding the reason why your dog is barking in the moment at hand is the first step towards controlling the behavior.
Photo by dageldog/iStock / Getty Images
The Underlying Causes of Barking
Warning/Alert: It is natural for a dog to bark when someone is a the door or when strangers pass the house or car. Many will bark if they sense some type of threat, proclaiming "I'm here protecting this place so don't mess with me." The sound of this bark is usually sharp, loud and authoritative. Honing this instinct with training can help protect your home and family.
Anxiety: Anxious barking often seems to be an act of self-soothing for many dogs. It is often high-pitched and sometimes accompanied by whining. This type of barking is common for dogs with separation anxiety.
Playfulness/Excitement: This type of barking is especially common in puppies and young dogs. Many dogs will bark while playing with people or other dogs. Even the sound of the bark tends to sound upbeat and possibly musical. Some dogs will bark excitedly when they know they are about to go for a walk or car ride.
Attention-seeking: When you hear this bark, you will usually know just what it means. This bark says "Hey! Hey! Look! Here I am!" Other dogs may whine and bark together to get attention, almost like the tone of a whining child.
Boredom: The bark of a bored dog sounds like a dog that barks just to hear her own voice. Though it tends to be annoying, it is also kind of sad. Bored dogs often bark to release excess energy, and sometimes bark out of loneliness. They usually need an activity and perhaps even a companion.
Responding to Other Dogs: This is probably a familiar scenario. One dog down the street starts barking, and one by one the rest of your block joins in. It's like a cacophonous rendition of "99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall."
Get Help Now for Your Barking Dog
Our virtual 90-minute intro sessions are designed to answer all your most pressing questions about why your dog barks so much and what you can do about it.
We also get you started training your dog immediately so you can experience the ease and effectiveness of a virtual training session with us before deciding if enrolling in a program is right for you.
8-Week Program | $1,195
(1) 90-Minute Intro Session
(8) Weekly 90-Minute Sessions
Barking Be Gone Program
*If you decide to enroll in a program, the cost of the intro session will be deducted from the total price of your program.
Ready to get your dog’s barking under control? Book a behavior consultation to speak with a dog trainer as soon as today!
How to Stop a Dog from Barking
In most cases, you can stop a dog from alarm barking in excess using a combination of behavioral modification training designed to calm a dog down around triggers and a behavioral management plan that reduces your dog's exposure to triggers.
If your dog barks to get your attention, however, you would do the opposite - your plan would involve purposefully ignoring them to stop reinforcing the behavior.
One thing you should not do is ignore the problem. If a dog is barking too much, their behavior won’t improve without intervention from you.
To learn more, please read our blog post on How to Stop A Dog From Barking.
Do you have a problem barker? It's best to address the issue now before it gets any worse. We offer virtual behavior modification training programs to help you get your dog’s problem barking under control.
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If you have questions about our program or would like to discuss your dog’s behavior with a trainer, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.