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Why Choice Is Critical In Dog Training
Dog Training Tips: Learning how your dog thinks and makes decisions is the “KEY” to getting your dog to do what you want, when you want, without the need for yelling, intimidation or constant supervision.
How To Train A Dog To Sit
Dog Training Los Angeles: It’s Your Choice (IYC) is a critical core foundation game because it sets the stage for teaching self-control over all future reinforcers (reinforcers = anything your dog likes or enjoys). It teaches our dogs that all things of value must be earned. The premise of the game is that the “work” is what earns the reward not just the presence of those rewards in the environment.
How to Train a Dog Not to Pull on Leash
Dog Trainer Alexandra Bassett demonstrates how to train a dog to walk with a loose leash, meaning that they’ve learned not to pull you in order to get where they want to go,. Leash manners are taught in incremental steps starting by teaching a dog how to respond to leash tension, know as “leash communication,” and where you want them to position themselves while walking on a leash, which can be achieved by playing stationary and moving reinforcement zone games..
What is a Doodle Dog?
Doodle dogs are fast becoming the most popular dog breed in America because of their friendly nature and hypo-allergenic and low-shedding coats. There are many kinds of Doodle dog breeds of various sizes depending on the Poodle variant with which they are mixed, however the most popular are the Goldendoodle, the Labradoodle, and the Double Doodle.
Dog Park Etiquette: Do's & Don'ts
Dogs were built to roam and, more than anything, love running around free. Dog parks, therefore, can be a great way to grant your lovable furball some much-desired freedom where they can blow off some steam. Here are some ways to ensure the dog park always remains a positive experience.
How to Stop a Dog from Pulling
Does your dog take you for a walk instead of the opposite? Perhaps pulling so hard that their breathing is impeded in the process? Do you dread going for a walk, as a result, not only because you don’t want to be pulled all over the place, but because it seems to be causing undue strain for your dog, as well?
Dogs That Bark & Lunge On Leash
As a dog trainer in Los Angeles, the most common problem I see dog parents facing when living in a city is leash reactivity. Leash reactivity is a condition that prompts a dog to bark and lunge at other dogs or people and can make going on a daily walk feel like navigating through a war zone.