dog training tips

How to Train a Dog Not to Pull on Leash

How to Train a Dog Not to Pull on Leash

Dog Trainer Alexandra Bassett demonstrates how to train a dog to walk with a loose leash, meaning that they’ve learned not to pull you in order to get where they want to go,. Leash manners are taught in incremental steps starting by teaching a dog how to respond to leash tension, know as “leash communication,” and where you want them to position themselves while walking on a leash, which can be achieved by playing stationary and moving reinforcement zone games..

How To Prepare Your Dog For The 4th of July

How To Prepare Your Dog For The 4th of July

Dog & Puppy Training Tips: Dogs are social creatures that benefit from being included in family activities. However, if a dog is afraid of fireworks, Independence Day can be a terrifying experience for them. To ensure the 4th of July doesn't turn into a traumatic experience for both you and your dog, it's important to have a plan for keeping your dog safe and comfortable when the fireworks go off. Here are some tips from a Los Angeles dog trainer on how to get your dog or puppy ready for Independence Day.

How To Train A Dog NOT To Do Something

How To Train A Dog NOT To Do Something

Understanding how consequences affect your dog is all you need to know to train your dog like an expert dog trainer. So how do you correct a dog using positive reinforcement dog training methods? Find that out and more on the Dog Savvy Los Angeles dog training blog ...



Dog Park Etiquette: Do's & Don'ts

Dog Park Etiquette: Do's & Don'ts

Dogs were built to roam and, more than anything, love running around free. Dog parks, therefore, can be a great way to grant your lovable furball some much-desired freedom where they can blow off some steam. Here are some ways to ensure the dog park always remains a positive experience. 

How To Train A Dog To Fetch

How To Train A Dog To Fetch

Teaching your dog or puppy games can be a wonderful way to bond with them while giving them a healthy outlet for their energy. You may have discovered, however, that your canine companion doesn't want to give up the toy or ball they've "caught" after you've thrown it.