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How to Work From Home with a Dog
Working from home with a dog can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it gives us extra time with the dogs we love, but on the other, our dogs don’t always understand work schedules and deadlines. Balancing playtime with work can be difficult, especially if your dog is used to a high level of attention and lots of play.
The Evolution of Modern-Day Dog Training
This brief history of the evolution of modern day dog training provides readers with insight into how today’s dog training methods were developed. Our goal in reprinting this article by Dr. Mary Burch is to help you, caring pet parents, understand how the different approaches in dog training were developed and to, hopefully, choose positive methods over force-based ones.
How To Prevent Dog Separation Anxiety
Preventing a dog from developing separation anxiety is easy if you know what to do. Canine separation anxiety is often the result of adopting a dog or a puppy over a holiday or long weekend when a new dog parent is likely to be around all day, but is then suddenly gone when the work week resumes.
Why Choice Is Critical In Dog Training
Dog Training Tips: Learning how your dog thinks and makes decisions is the “KEY” to getting your dog to do what you want, when you want, without the need for yelling, intimidation or constant supervision.
How To Train A Dog To Sit
Dog Training Los Angeles: It’s Your Choice (IYC) is a critical core foundation game because it sets the stage for teaching self-control over all future reinforcers (reinforcers = anything your dog likes or enjoys). It teaches our dogs that all things of value must be earned. The premise of the game is that the “work” is what earns the reward not just the presence of those rewards in the environment.
How To Prepare Your Dog For The 4th of July
Dog & Puppy Training Tips: Dogs are social creatures that benefit from being included in family activities. However, if a dog is afraid of fireworks, Independence Day can be a terrifying experience for them. To ensure the 4th of July doesn't turn into a traumatic experience for both you and your dog, it's important to have a plan for keeping your dog safe and comfortable when the fireworks go off. Here are some tips from a Los Angeles dog trainer on how to get your dog or puppy ready for Independence Day.
Dog Training: The Dominance Myth
Los Angeles Dog Trainer Aims To Change Public Perception Of Dog Training
PRESS RELEASE (February 26, 2018) - Leash reactive dogs—dogs that bark and lunge aggressively at other dogs or people while on a leash—have become an epidemic in Los Angeles.
Dog Training Games: Hide & Seek
At Dog Savvy Los Angeles, we are big advocates of making dog training fun and easy. Hide & Seek is a game you can play with your dog at any time--with almost no effort--and get amazing results because it creates positive associations with coming when called.
How To Train A Puppy Not To Bite
Puppy Training 101 - An essential aspect of puppy training is teaching a puppy not to bite you. The first step a puppy parent must learn is how to respond appropriately when a puppy first sinks its teeth into you.
How To Train A Dog NOT To Do Something
Understanding how consequences affect your dog is all you need to know to train your dog like an expert dog trainer. So how do you correct a dog using positive reinforcement dog training methods? Find that out and more on the Dog Savvy Los Angeles dog training blog ...
How To Avoid Dog Park Conflicts
Taking your dog to a dog park in Los Angeles can be a bit of a mixed bag experience. To ensure you have the best time possible, it's a good idea to do a little dog training beforehand such as teaching your dog to come when called and to know the do's and don'ts for keeping your dog safe at the dog park.
How Do You Toilet Train A Puppy?
Housebreaking your pup requires being be prepared with the right equipment and a plan for how to best potty train your puppy based on your particular living situation. The ideal way to house train a puppy is by keeping it in a crate or playpen when it is not being supervised and getting your puppy to the right spot, at the right time, in order to teach it where the potty is.
Dog Park Etiquette: Do's & Don'ts
Dogs were built to roam and, more than anything, love running around free. Dog parks, therefore, can be a great way to grant your lovable furball some much-desired freedom where they can blow off some steam. Here are some ways to ensure the dog park always remains a positive experience.
How to Stop a Dog from Pulling
Does your dog take you for a walk instead of the opposite? Perhaps pulling so hard that their breathing is impeded in the process? Do you dread going for a walk, as a result, not only because you don’t want to be pulled all over the place, but because it seems to be causing undue strain for your dog, as well?
Preparing For A New Dog Or Puppy
Planning on getting a puppy or adopting a dog from the shelter? Get some expert tips from the dog trainers at Dog Savvy Los Angeles on the best way to prepare for bringing home a new dog or puppy.