How Do You Toilet Train A Puppy?

Puppy Potty Training 101: The Ideal Potty Training Set-Up

Create a “den” by putting a crate or bed within a confinement area

Potty training requires keeping a puppy in a confinement area like a playpen when it can’t be supervised, and should be considered a “puppy can do no wrong” zone where it can make potty mistakes if necessary.

Puppies do not like to make a mess where they sleep, so the best setup is created by putting a crate or bed within a configurable playpen and using pee pads to create a designated "legal" potty area/

The crate or bed acts as a den where the puppy can rest or sleep, and the confinement area or playpen gives the puppy a little freedom to safely roam around without getting into trouble.

For easy cleanup, place the pen on top of a fabric potty pad or cover every part of the surface area in the confinement area with large pee pads in case the puppy does go potty.

Confinement areas can be created with exercise pens that surround a bed or attach to a crate, and they can also be created by setting up walk-through gate that can turn a bathroom or hallway into a makeshift confinement area. 

Perfect For Indoor AND Outdoor Potty Training

Puppy training in Los Angeles: How to potty train a doodle puppy.

This is the perfect setup whether you choose to indoor OR outdoor potty train a puppy.

Pet parents who want to indoor potty train their pup will eventually remove some of the pee pads, one by one, as they notice where their puppy has started to go potty, perhaps after one or two weeks. Usually, the puppy will target the same area, so once this area is identified, they can remove the others until only one pad is left.

Those wanting to outdoor potty train their pup can give the puppy a pass for going potty in their playpen/"puppy can do no wrong" zone, but must adhere to a schedule that ensures they take the puppy outside as often as the puppy needs to go to establish that outside is where the toilet is.

Getting a puppy to the right spot, at the right time, whether inside or out, is how these habits are established.

The Golden Rules of Puppy Potty Training 

Only let a puppy roam free AFTER it has pottied in the designated potty area

Housebreaking a puppy requires establishing a schedule that includes routine downtime spent in a crate or pen paired with constant supervision when a pup is roaming free in the house.

A puppy should only be allowed to roam free in the house AFTER it has gone potty in the right spot.

Why? When the freedom to roam is granted as a reward or positive consequence for having gone to the bathroom in the correct spot, it encourages your puppy to make an effort to potty more quickly where and when you want them to.

Freedom is just as powerful a reinforcer as a treat and should become a cornerstone of your puppy training program. Which leads us to ...

Put a puppy on a leash when it's time to go to the toilet


The biggest game-changer for potty training success is keeping a puppy on a leash until they potty before letting them roam free in the yard or house (or even before taking them for a walk). 

At first, this requires more patience as one waits for the puppy to do their business, but it pays off quickly as a puppy starts to understand that they win their freedom (or a chance to go on a walk) only after they've pottied. 

The process is simple: If you're taking your puppy outside to potty, stand in one spot and give your pup the length of the leash to sniff around until they decide to do their business. Once they do, let them off for a romp or begin your walk as their reward.

If you're pee pad training your puppy, put the lead on them and wait for them to potty on their pee pad before removing them from their playpen.

Soon your puppy will start to understand they need to empty their system before being allowed to join you for playtime and the leash won't even be necessary--you'll notice your puppy will potty for you as you appear near their confinement area so that they can quickly exit their pen.

Limit the time a puppy roams free

Prevention is worth an ounce of cure. That's why it's a good idea to stick to a limited "roaming-free" schedule, meaning that you will only let your puppy roam free for about 20 to 30 minutes before putting them back in their playpen, aka ”puppy can do no wrong" zone.

Puppy Training in Los Angeles: How to house train a Pomsky puppy.

This also gives you a break to do other things without worrying about what your puppy is up to.

Additionally, establishing a routine where a puppy spends routine downtime in a crate or playpen helps to prevent dog separation anxiety from developing.

This is because it helps a puppy get used to self-entertaining or relaxing when they can’t access you, and as a result, they can better tolerate being left alone as they mature. 

Successfully House-training a Puppy Requires Constant Supervision

Knowing when a puppy might have to go potty is half the battle

Puppy Potty Tracker

It's important to have an idea of when your puppy may have to go, and to get them to the right spot at the right time, to condition them to want to go in that spot. These are the times that a puppy is most likely going to need to potty: 

  • Within 5-15 minutes of waking up.

  • Within 5-30 minutes after eating a meal (usually a puppy will have to pee right after eating, and pooping may happen within 15-30 minutes after a meal).

  • After a nap.

  • After any period of activity or stimulation like playtime with family members or another dog, or after meeting a new guest that has come to visit.

  • If the puppy feels overly excited or anxious for any reason, it may lose its bladder control (like after hearing fireworks for the first time or when meeting a new guest).

  • Before putting puppies to bed at night, take them for a final bathroom break.

  • Young puppies often need a bathroom break in the middle of the night between midnight and 1-3 pm.

NOTE: Before they have bladder control, young puppies aged 8 to 12 weeks old may have to potty as much as every 20-30 minutes, so keep this in mind! 

What to do if a puppy has a potty accident

Puppy Training Los Angeles: What to do when a puppy has a potty accident.

When a puppy is roaming free in the house, they must always be supervised so that they can be instantly corrected should they decide to go potty in the wrong spot.

If this happens, simply pick them up, say "Oops!", and then take them directly to their potty spot to finish their poop or pee.

If they don't finish their potty, but you suspect they still have to go, return them to their crate to ensure they don't make a mess in the wrong spot again. Then make a point to take them to their correct potty spot within 5 to 10 minutes to finish their potty.

This strategy also frees you up to attend to other things and not worry if your puppy makes a mess when you're not attending to them.

Never punish a puppy for pottying in the wrong spot

Never punish a puppy for making a potty mistake. If you punish your puppy for doing something as natural as going to the bathroom, they will only learn that it's not okay to potty in front of you.

Often, the fallout from punishment is that a puppy learns not to potty in front of you. As a result, they get “sneaky” about when and where they decide to go potty, and you may discover little wet or smelly gifts from your puppy tucked "safely" out of sight instead of in the right spot.

If your puppy goes potty in the wrong spot on your watch, you need to refine your potty training methods and commit to better supervision in the future.

Remember, you are a human with a bigger brain, so it falls on you to adopt the right measures to train your puppy properly--no exceptions!

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Signs a puppy needs the toilet

These are the tell-tale signs that a puppy may have to potty:

Puppy training in Los Angeles: Reward a puppy for going potty in the right spot.
  • If a puppy dips their nose to the floor and wanders away from wherever the activity is happening in the house, they are probably looking for a potty spot.

  • When a pup spins in a circle repetitively in one spot, they are probably getting ready to potty.

  • Sometimes, a pup will get the “zoomies” and run around like crazy right before they potty.

  • A subtle “hunching” of the back often indicates the puppy is about to squat and go potty..

Puppies should be escorted to their toilet right away when any of these events happen - don’t expect a young puppy to do it by itself as it can take 6 to 12 weeks or more for a pup to figure out where the toilet is.

Reward a puppy for a job well done!

This can not be underestimated as one of the biggest factors in helping a puppy understand how great it is when they potty in the right spot.

Puppy parents should plan to offer special treats to a puppy when they go on their pee pad or in the right spot outside.

Giving a puppy a couple of treats or more after they finish their potty can make a big impression and speed up the process of helping them connect the dots about where they should go potty.

Ultimately, potty training a puppy takes time, so be as consistent as possible about getting your puppy to the right place at the right time, and they will eventually figure it out.

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About the Author

Alexandra Bassett is a certified professional dog trainer (CPDT-KA) and the owner of Dog Savvy Los Angeles.

She has over 25 years of experience working with dogs and specializes in positive, game-based methods of puppy training and treating puppies with separation anxiety.

If you need help potty training your puppy, you can book a virtual training session with Alexandra by clicking the link below.


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