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Dog Training Tips Dog Savvy Los Angeles Dog Training Tips Dog Savvy Los Angeles

How To Train A Dog To Sit

Dog Training Los Angeles: It’s Your Choice (IYC) is a critical core foundation game because it sets the stage for teaching self-control over all future reinforcers (reinforcers = anything your dog likes or enjoys). It teaches our dogs that all things of value must be earned. The premise of the game is that the “work” is what earns the reward not just the presence of those rewards in the environment.

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Dog Training Tips Dog Savvy Los Angeles Dog Training Tips Dog Savvy Los Angeles

How To Prepare Your Dog For The 4th of July

Dog & Puppy Training Tips: Dogs are social creatures that benefit from being included in family activities. However, if a dog is afraid of fireworks, Independence Day can be a terrifying experience for them. To ensure the 4th of July doesn't turn into a traumatic experience for both you and your dog, it's important to have a plan for keeping your dog safe and comfortable when the fireworks go off. Here are some tips from a Los Angeles dog trainer on how to get your dog or puppy ready for Independence Day.

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Puppy Training Tips Alexandra Bassett Puppy Training Tips Alexandra Bassett

How Do You Toilet Train A Puppy?

Housebreaking your pup requires being be prepared with the right equipment and a plan for how to best potty train your puppy based on your particular living situation. The ideal way to house train a puppy is by keeping it in a crate or playpen when it is not being supervised and getting your puppy to the right spot, at the right time, in order to teach it where the potty is.

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